All our Speakers confirmed their presence for this Conference
GAF7 presents a cross section of international research on the gender dimensions in aquaculture and fisheries.
Leading speakers of our Special Session will be updated soon.
Dr. Darian McBain is the Global Director of Sustainable Development at Thai Union, the largest seafood processor in the world. Her previous work
includes serving as the Sustainable Procurement Lead for the United Kingdom’s National Health Service, advising the United Nations, working in
partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, and heading her own strategy and sustainability consultancy. She holds a PhD on social indicators for global
supply chain analysis from the University of Sydney, where she serves as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer of Integrated Sustainability Analysis.
Dr McBain will deliver a keynote address on “The Gender Agenda – turning #Me Too into #We Too in Aquaculture and Fisheries” on October 18,
2018 at Robert B. Banks Auditorium, AIT at the opening session of the Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries: Expanding the Horizons conference (GAF7).