GAF9 encourages the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations under the following sub themes: Women/gender in the blue economy Gender and climate change: Navigating the impacts on fisheries and aquaculture Nature-based solutions in aquaculture and fisheries Innovative frameworks/methodology for gender research in fisheries and aquaculture Counting and discounting: men’s and women’s work in fisheries and aquaculture All abstracts must be in English - the official language of the conference. Oral presenters will be given 15 minutes each to present the paper. This is to adhere to the conference timetable and in fairness to other presenters. Not all abstracts submitted for oral presentation may be slotted for the same, due to limited number of available time slots. The decision of the program committee is final. Poster presentations will be an integral part of the conference program. All poster presenters will be given a chance to make an oral speed presentation (time and number of slides will be intimated closer to the conference date). Oral presenters must only use Power Point.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
TITLE OF ABSTRACT: The abstract title should be printed in CAPITAL LETTERS, with the exception of scientific names which should be Upper/lower case and italicized.
AUTHOR(S): Use * after the presenting author. Type in upper/lower case.
ADDRESS AND EMAIL: Type the institution, address and email of all authors. Type in upper/lower case.
PAGE SIZE: Standard 210mm x 297mm A4 paper (portrait)
MARGINS: 2.5 cm margin throughout (left/right/top/bottom)
SPACING: Single spaced
PARAGRAPHS: Paragraphs should be separated by a blank line and should not be indented.
FONTS: Times New Roman 12 point type.
FIGURES & TABLES: Figures and tables are highly recommended. They should be reduced to the appropriate size for a one page abstract and should be clearly readable at the reduced size in black print only. The reduced figures and tables should be included in the abstract in camera-ready form. Figures in colour are not permissible.
MEASUREMENTS: Use metric units of measurement. When needed, English equivalents may be given in parentheses.
FILE FORMAT: All abstracts must be in DOC or DOCX formats ONLY.Please do not upload abstracts in any other format.
FILE NAME: Should NOT contain Space / Tab / Special Characters.
FILE SIZE: Less than 2MB.
Please note that oral and poster presentations will be finally accepted only from registered participants. All participants will be informed well in advance on the format of presentation.